Thursday, December 12, 2013

Hi guys , i want to give you all lighsaber color and the meaning

Red (uncommon)
Indicates the lightsaber of a Sith or Dark Jedi. This is a characteristic that generally indicated a prominent user of the dark side of the force. The red represents blood and violence. Generally these crystals are synthetically grown.

  Blue (common)
Indicates the lightsaber of a Jedi Guardian. This is a Jedi who tended to fight the Sith on a physical level.

Green (common)
Indicates the lightsaber of a Jedi Consular. This is a Jedi who preferred to ponder the mysteries of the force and fight the dark side at it's heart.

Yellow (common)
Indicates the lightsaber of a Jedi Sentinel. This is a Jedi who honed their skills in a balance of combat and scholarly pursuits.

Violet (uncommon)
This indicates the lightsaber of a Jedi who stayed closely with their knowledge of the dark side as well as the light side. They walked a thin line between both of those paths. A combination of blue and red.

Dark Red (uncommon)
Same as red, but thought to be a stronger user of the force.

Dark Blue (uncommon)
Same as blue, but thought to be a stronger user of the force.

Dark Green (uncommon)
Same as green, but thought to be a stronger user of the force.

Dark Yellow (uncommon)
Same as yellow, but thought to be a stronger user of the force.

Dark Violet (rare)
Same as violet, but thought to be a stronger user of the force.

Silver (uncommon)
This lightsaber is what is called a dual-phase saber. Meaning the length of the blade can be changed with a special switch built into the hilt. The blade can be changed from the typical 1.2 meters to 2 meters with the flick of this switch.

Bronze (uncommon)
This indicates the lightsaber of a Jedi who has mastered control over their anger above all else. It has been used in past times by wookie Jedi who have overcome their anger towards their enemies.

Brown (uncommon)
No specific meaning.

Clear (rare)
A clear beam improves the stealth of a character. This was generally used by Jedi who focused on stealth and reconnaissance missions. The only downside to this beam, is it made using the saber difficult during combat.

Crimson (common)
A lightsaber that holds this color is generally wielded by a Jedi who tended to use more unorthadox methods of battle during lightsaber duels. Never truely following any of the forms, but using a style all in their own.

Cyan (rare)
A lightsaber that holds this color generally emits a lower hum then others of different hue. Providing a bit of a bonus to stealth. The only downside is the loss in power energy drawn through the blade.

Emerald (rare)
This was generally used by an observer of the Force. Generally this person attempted to avoid combat and simply study the uses of the Force by watching others.

Light Violet (common)
A color generally used in sparring and training. This saber can only produce subdual damage.

Light Yellow (common)
A color generally used in sparring and training. This saber can only produce subdual damage.

Light Green (common)
A color generally used in sparring and training. This saber can only produce subdual damage.

Magenta (uncommon)
No specific meaning.

Orange (uncommon)
No specific meaning.

Gold (rare)
This lightsaber is generally used in the ceremony of granting a Jedi the rank of Jedi Master.

Rainbow (Shifts through the color spectrum) (rare)
This lightsaber is unique in that it changes hue based upon the mood of the wielder.

Silver-Blue (uncommon)
No specific meaning.

Teal (uncommon)
Indicates the lightsaber of a Jedi Healer. This is a Jedi who practiced great devotion, trustworthiness, and healing.

White (common)
A color only used in lightsaber deflection training. This weapon provides no damage if someone is struck with it.

Yellowish-Green (uncommon)
A blade with this color indicates a Jedi who tends to be very vain yet diverse in their training. A blade used typically by those who tread dangerously close to the dark side of the force as well as the light.

A virtually impossible beam to create, the black lightsaber is convented by all dark side users. It is only a legend that such a crystal exists that would allow a dark side user to create such a beam. It's powers, unknown.[/quote]

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